What is BIO-PNG?

Bio-PNG (Bio-Compressed Natural Gas) is a clean and green fuel that is derived from biological sources and free from petroleum. It is produced from the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter such as Animal manure, Agriculture residues, and Biodegradable Municipal waste. This process generates biogas that goes through purification and compression to give Bio-PNG.

Green Growth

Renewable Revolution

Advantages of BIO PNG

  • Eco-Friendly Fuel : Bio-PNG is a clean source of energy as it gives out less greenhouse gases than other fuels hence reducing pollution of the environment.
  • Renewable and Sustainable : Derived from waste biomass, Bio-PNG provides a sustainable source of fuel and minimizes the use of non-renewable fossil fuels.
  • Affordable Energy Solution : Since Bio-PNG is a locally sourced fuel, it can reduce the cost of transportation and offer cheap energy.
  • Reduces Waste : Bio-PNG production helps minimize the waste disposal problems through agricultural, animal, and municipal waste, thus improving waste management.
  • Promotes Rural Development : Bio-PNG production provides a local market for raw materials and thus generates employment and increases the income of farmers and other members of the rural society.